A Perfect World

If I was God...

People, since time of long ago, desire a perfect world. But how do you define a perfect world? Is it a world without hunger, crime, and suffering? If I was God, would I have done things differently?

If I was God, I would have not. Talk about destruction – many people could only see the good in creation and the evil in destruction, and these people should know better. Destruction is not evil as many people would try to convince you, destruction brings about balance – destruction allows the creation of another good.

Here’s the thing, imagine your own perfect world… Is it a place without disease? Is it a place where everybody is able to eat? Is it a place where everybody lives for the rest of eternity? This picture alone of a perfect world is a contradiction by itself. Are you even a vegetarian? If in a perfect world, men should not even have the need to eat, then how can you call this perfect when man does not have the luxury to enjoy even the smallest of things such as good food?

Immortality? The thought alone sends shivers down my spine. Imagine doing something not close to perfect, and regretting it for the rest of eternity. If man was also perfect, that he doesn’t go wrong? Don’t even go there, the very thing I would envy about men, if I was an angel [and if angels exist], is their ability to do the things they can do now *insert sex and good food* with the blessing of being human.

Man seeks a perfect world so that he won’t have the need to answer questions. Otherwise, it is not a perfect world after all. Man seeks a perfect world because he is afraid of imperfection. Man seeks a perfect world because he is afraid to find his meaning in life. Man seeks a perfect world because he is afraid to search for his purpose in life. Man seeks a perfect world to compromise for everything he is NOT.

But this should not put us down. The reason – because it drives man to exist. It drives man to ask questions about his world, his community, and most importantly his own self. This world gives us a sense of purpose, and that’s when we are most alive.

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