The Love Pill

Imagine the most powerful pill to create a perfect relationship. What should it manifest? There should be no conditional results, no "this... but not always", either one way, or the other.

If I had it my way, this would be my list. Induces the person to:
  1. Value the importance of the relationship above anything else. When the person feels ill and weary, the person will not question the whole relationship, but instead the moment.
  2. Keep promises. No matter the mental and emotional condition, regardless of what clouds thought, the person will stand by his word.
  3. Expect only what the person can give to the other. The person hopes for more, but will only need what he can provide.
  4. Refrain from flirting. The person will not commit the heinous crime people spend a lifetime recuperating from.
  5. Listen. The person will learn to process auditory information, hearing is never a concern.
I deliberately did not include happiness. "...the sweet is never as sweet without the sour" -- Brian, Vanilla Sky

I would not want the person to be sympathetic 'round the clock either, as sometimes you just need somebody who'll listen, not somebody who will feel what you feel tirelessly and you ending up being more depressed than when you started.

The list could go for miles, the more complicated it gets though, the more side effects it might have. Do not end up having an e-peen manufactured using the 32nm process.

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